Our Services
Software Development
Bad Banana delivers web-based cross-platform software solutions and client-server business applications that are stable, feature-rich, and high performance.
Web Design/Development
We develop feature-rich custom web applications, sites and portals for corporate and internet-focused projects: E-commerce, Online Servicing and Order Processing, Social Networking and much more.
Mobile App Development
Bad Banana can aide in extending your sales, customer service and marketing efforts to the most popular mobile platforms, such as iOS, Android, Windows and more.
Graphic Design
Whether you're looking for a catchy new logo, some stunning flyers, or a well-designed infographic, the talented community of designers at Bad Banana can make it happen!
Managed Services
We work with you to identify your critical business processes, pain points and vulnerabilities, and perform a threat analysis to determine your business risks.
Our Development Process
Every project is unique, but the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is comprised of core steps and principles designed to ensure success. Explore below to see what each step entails and how it allows us to bring your concepts into reality!

Every business is different. As such, every project specification will be different. Your requirements are unique - and project should reflect that.
In the Requirements Specification & Analysis Phase, we interview the primary stake-holders and those involved in the "day-to-day work" that the project is concerned with in order to understand you AND your business processes. The time and effort
we put in here is crucial and is the most important part of the development process. The analysis obtain in this phase will lay the groundwork for the rest of the project lifecycle.
Deliverables: A Specifications Document that outlines your requirements for the application

Using the Specifications Document compiled from the initial interview, we begin the Development Phase by designing a "lite prototype" of the application in a skeleton/wireframe format in order for you to get a feel for the potential layout, see and understand the workflows,
and if necessary, add additional input.
We understand that sometimes "you don't know what you want until you see it," so we guide you through this phase of development and let you explore what the application can become.
Deliverables: The Application Framework

With the first two phases complete, the Development & Testing Phase is where the "rubber meets the road" and the application comes to life. With the initial research from the Specifications Document and the knowledge gained from the
generation of the application's framework, the business of coding, connecting datasources and testing are done here. Typically, there are no more additions or modifications to the overall form of the application (why the Specifications Analysis phase is so important - we loathe scope creep!).
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is also a part of this phase and the customer is intricately involved in order to ensure what the specifications document outlines is what's delivered. Typically, two to three rounds of UAT are provided.
Deliverables: BETA version of application

With development, testing, and UAT completed, we've entered into the Implementation Phase and it's now time to launch the project and get it out to the world! In this phase, we review the specifications one final time to ensure the application is complete, then work with you to
place it in a good home - whether on our hosted servers or your own, the choice is yours.
Deliverables: Production code, supporting documentation and maintenance agreements

Most development companies will hand you the "keys to the car," wave as you leave the lot and expect to never hear from you again. And if you do call, more often
than not, they'll give you the cold shoulder or simply brush you off entirely. Not Bad Banana.
We understand that no application is ever completely "finished." Your business model may change. Technology changes. Server environments change. Things just evolve - and so must your application.
Our deliverables don't just stop with the end product, but continue through the entire
lifecycle of the application with ongoing Support and Maintenance. We will help you make sense of the changes and work with you to ensure your application meets those needs.